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Marble Surface

Waiting room free
Car ride free
Low stress



(After hours surcharge from 6pm)

MON: 9AM - 5PM

TUE: 9AM - 5PM                       

WED: 9AM - 5PM

THU: 9AM - 5PM

FRI: 9AM - 5PM

SAT: 9AM - 1PM


About Us
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We provide all vet services including vaccinations, health checks, micro-chipping, sedation for minor procedures, home euthanasia, acupuncture and wellness plans etc.


I graduated from Murdoch University Veterinary School in 2013 and have always worked in clinical settings. This has inspired me to want to create a car-ride free, waiting-room free, low stress environment, where my furry patients get to be seen in the comfort of their homes, at an affordable price.

Aside from conventional vet medicine, I have always been interested in alternative vet medicine. I believe that combining the best of both Eastern and Western worlds will allow me to provide optimal health care for my patients. I also trust that this will be the direction vet medicine should and will head towards in the future.

I am a certified  Veterinary Acupuncturist (Chi Institute), having treated and managed different conditions combining conventional medicine with Acupuncture, Electro-acupuncture and Chinese Herbs. This includes arthritis, neurological disease, spinal conditions, and a range of other long standing medical conditions. I am also in the midst of completing my Masters in TCVM (Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine) with Chi Institute, where i will be certified in Veterinary Chinese Herbs, Veterinary Chinese Food Therapy and Veterinary Chinese Tui-Na.

VET:    DR ALEX ONG (Not available 2022*)
Dr Alex Ong graduated from Murdoch University Veterinary School in 2013 and is a certified Veterinary Acupuncturist (Chi Institute) as well.  Having 5 years of experience working overseas with both the Singapore army and in private practice as a general practitioner, he will now be joining us in 2019.

When not driving around, he can be found at home chasing after his three little dogs and two furry kitty cats.


Marble Surface


Surcharge over 10kms from postcode 6150 ($10-80)


Home Visit Consultations                 From $105*
Vaccinations                                     From $130*
Home Euthanasia                             From $300*
Acupuncture, wellness plan              From $150*
Microchipping                                   From $55*

Blood tests and diagnostics              Ring for quote        Sedation for minor procedures          Ring for quote              

* Surcharge applies after 6pm ($44-88)

* Surcharge applies on Sundays  ($66-88)

* Multi-pet discounts available (only for consult)


  • What is Acupuncture?
    Acupuncture is part of TCM ( Traditional Chinese Medicine ), and has been around for more than 2000 years. It involves insertion of a very fine sterile needle into specific points ( acupuncture points ) along the body’s meridians to clear energy blockages, encourage flow of normal Qi ” life energy” and bring our pets’ body back to a balanced state.


  • How does Acupuncture work?
    Each stimulated point provides several different effects. Research has shown that it works through local and systemic effects, releasing hormones and neuropeptides to provide pain relief , stimulate the nervous system, boost immunity, as well as relaxing the body.


  • How many treatments will my pet need?
    This depends on your pet and their specific condition. Some will require several weekly treatments, while others require a session every few weeks to months. A combination of both is fairly common as well.


  • How long is each session?
    Each session differs and is tailored specifically for your pets’ individual needs. Sessions range from 30 – 60 minutes or more, where the first initial consultation may be slightly longer than subsequent revisits.


  • Are there other forms of Acupuncture?
    Yes. Other than dry-needling, we also offer aqua-puncture ( injection into specific acupuncture points for longer lasting effects ), electro-acupuncture ( low current stimulator attached to dry needles for stronger effect ) and Moxibustion ( needle-free, heated herbal sticks placed over acupuncture points ).


  • Is it painful?
    Some points can be more sensitive than others if it is an “active point” requiring treatment. These points may be slightly uncomfortable during treatment but they make our pets feel much better after.

                                   HOME   EUTHANASIA                                

We understand how difficult it is when it is time to say goodbye. We can make this transition easier by giving your loved ones a peaceful farewell at home where they will feel most comfortable. We can assist you if you want farewells out of the house as well, such as at your pet’s favourite park or beach.

On arrival, your pet will receive a sedative to help relax. This sedation is given under the skin like an ordinary vaccination, and takes roughly 10 minutes to relax most patients into a deep sleep. We will then give the final euthanasia injection through a port inserted into a vein (commonly a vein on the front or back legs). This second injection is usually very quick and peaceful.

There are a few options for the aftercare of your pet. You can opt for home burials, private cremation (with ashes back) or companion cremation (with no ashes returned). 



                              ITCHING OR LIMPING?                               



    Let us help your fur babies with all those infections and allergies. We combine a mix of oral medications, topical drops and shampoos to ease the itch. There may be lots of underlying causes for these conditions, ranging from fleas or mites, food allergies, environmental allergy and many more. We can discuss how to help eliminate or manage these problems with you.



    Allow us to help your pet with old creaky sore joints and chronic pain live a much better quality of life using a combination of anti-inflammatories, pain relief, arthritis injections, acupuncture, chinese herbs and lots of love.




    In house tests are available on the spot for blood glucose level, urinalysis and skin scraping. All other blood and pathology tests will otherwise be sent to Vetpath laboratories, with an average turnover time of 24 hours.

    As for x-rays and ultrasound, we can refer them back to your regular vet or bring them to our own preferred clinics south of the river. A mobile veterinary ultrasonographer is also available for scans carried out at home.



    We can provide sedation and reversal for your pet for minor procedures such as nail clips, cat grooming, or perhaps you have a fur child that is a little more sensitive and anxious when seeing a vet and may require that little snooze during the visit..…



    We will get to you when you cant get your pet to the vet, assist in transporting them to your regular vet (small pets only), as well as offering specialist referrals where necessary.

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Home: FAQ




    We use triennial core vaccines, as we understand how antibodies from a single shot may last a few years. We do still recommend yearly vaccinations for Canine Cough.Core vaccines and canine cough vaccines together form a C5 vaccination.

    Titre testing can be carried out for core vaccines where a small amount of blood is drawn and sent to the lab. If your pet has plenty of antibodies, he or she won’t require the core vaccine for that year.

    We strongly encourage an annual heartworm injection, as your pooch can get infected if bitten by a heartworm- infested mosquito. This injection provides 12 months of protection and can be given at the same time of vaccinations. You can also opt for monthly heartworm prevention in the form of tablets or spot-ons.

    Puppies usually receive their first vaccination at 6-8 weeks, followed by a booster at 10-12 weeks old. We use an early finishing vaccination, where your fur babies will be ready to socialize in public 10 days after their 10-12 week old booster.




    For outdoor cats, we recommend yearly F5 vaccinations. However, if your cat is purely an indoor only cat, he or she may require a different option.

    There is an optional vaccine to protect your cat from FIV (Feline AIDS), highly recommended for outdoor cats that may get bite wounds from an infected cat. This vaccine can be given from 2 months of age, or to adults that are tested FIV negative.

    Kittens usually receive their first vaccination at 6-8 weeks, followed by a booster at 10-12 weeks. Some may need a final booster at 16 weeks of age. They can then safely go outdoors 10 days after their final vaccination.




    For both pups and kittens, wormers are required 2 weekly from 2 weeks of age till 3 months old, then once a month till 6 month old, then 3 monthly after.




    Having a microchip is a legal requirement in all pets. This procedure involves inserting the chip (size of a small rice grain) using a needle directed under the skin, between the shoulder blades of your pet. The microchip includes a lifetime registration with the chip company. You can then register your pet with the council using this microchip registration.

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